Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just 8.625 flu's away from my goal weight

I don't know if I should be happy about this or not but weigh-in Wednesday is upon us yet again and although I am excited, I am sure this week's result will (for lack of a better word) result in a poor weigh-in next week, but oh well....As of this week I am down 31 pounds...yep...8 lbs this week. Thank you stomach flu for that amazing number.

Now I am sure that a lot of that is water weight or muscle or bone (or parts of my intestines that I have no doubt thrown up in the past few days) but I don't think I need all this bone and muscle anyway and I drink plenty of water so I will make up for that water loss quickly. Seriously though, even if next week the scale doesn't move or even if it moves up a couple of pounds, I won't be disappointed because of this week. I know I shouldn't be so excited about something that I didn't really have to work for, but I am...this has totally re-motivated me to keep at it. I now believe that I can lose 50 lbs before my next appearance as a Maid of Honour on July 17...cross your fingers for me!

31 lbs...that's pretty much 1/3 of the way to my final goal and when I break down the big 1-0-0 into smaller increments like that it doesn't make it so scary. I can totally do this and it's not going to be easy (unless of course I seriously get sick like 8.625 more we think that's possible?) but I think I am ready for the challenge. Let's see how long I can keep my stomach shrank from this flu for as long as possible.


Cbowes said...

You can do it, just look at how far you have come already!