Friday, December 11, 2009

Just call me MacGyver!

If you’ve never see The Biggest Loser, I recommend you tune in next season. It is absolutely amazing how these people transform their lives and their bodies in such a short amount of time. The winner of this last installment of the show lost 239 lbs in I think 9 months. Can you imagine weighing 430 lbs in January and by the end of September being down to 191?! He looked incredible…they all did. There was even a woman who lost 172 lbs and still has over 100 lbs to go. All I am asking for is a measly 100 lbs, so I should have it off by the end of January I am sure haha… if I were on the Biggest Loser that may be the case but not so much in real life. I mean they’re in real life too, but I don’t have the time or the chutzpa to spend 6-8 hours a day in the gym. I am more of a 1 hour workout at a time sort of gal. It may take me a lot longer to shed the weight but hopefully that ensures that it stays off and I mean, how proud will I be when someone says, “oh, B, you look like you’ve lost some weight…” and I say, yeah just 100 lbs, so no big deal…not a big deal at all…a HUGE deal. I will pretty much be losing an adult Asian. That’s intense!

I can’t even imagine the sense of pride these people must feel for their accomplishments, but at the same time they must also be having some identity issues. I struggle with that too from time to time and think to myself that it could be a part of why I haven’t succeeded in the past at keeping the weight off. I mean I know exactly who I am, I am very self aware and have always been keenly in touch with my emotions and inner self. I haven’t had a major transformation like these people but even when I just think about the possibility of having an entirely different body, I struggle with it a bit. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I want more right now (aside from maybe world peace…okay, not really… I’d like to think I am Mother Teresa but we all know that’s not true…I really just want to be skinny). But here’s the thing, if I have been fat for most of my life, who the hell will I be when I am not the fat girl anymore? Hopefully, just a smaller, but happier version of myself, but I worry that my personality will change. Have you ever seen those people who lose a lot of weight and their personality seems to shift? Like they used to be funny and outgoing and then when they shed the pounds, they shed their personality as well? What’s with that? I have a huge fear of that happening and although since I am so cognizant of it I am sure it won’t happen, it still worries me….who are we kidding though, there’s not one ounce of me that’s not delightful so I am sure I will always be a joy to be around :p

Okay, so back to The Biggest Loser…I have been watching this show faithfully for probably 2 years now, with two seasons a year, they have transformed so many lives. Ironically enough, I used to stock up on snack foods to watch the show. How terrible is that?! I would be eating my Doritos and licorice while they’re sweating their asses off at the gym for 6-8 hours a day. I would sit there and think, okay…this is what’s going to motivate me to lose weight, as I stogged a handful of Doritos into my mouth. This should be kind of funny but I almost think of it as sad now looking back. When I watched the finale earlier this week I was eating carrot sticks and hummus…who the F%#K am I, really? I was totally pretending the carrots were licorice and the hummus was Doritos but still…progress, I think!

My goal for this weekend is to go to the gym both days and avoid desserts and alcohol. Shouldn’t be much of a challenge considering I don’t have a life at all this weekend, but as a fatty, finding dessert isn’t terribly difficult. I am a very resourceful fatty you see, give me two crackers, some cherry bubblegum and a laxative chocolate and I could fix up a low-cal cookie with far reaching weight loss benefits…I’m pretty much the MacGyver of bad foods.


Liz Ellwood said...

From someone who has been on yo-yo diets many times and lost as much as 40 pounds in a month (Stay away from Dr. Bern.stein - he is actually the devil) I would say you suffer a bit of identity crises in the sense that people are giving you all this attention because of your new outside, but you are still the same person on the inside. It makes you question not only yourself, but the people around you. Especially boy attention. That being said, I think you're one of the strongest ladies I know. I think you'll find you're a pretty resilient chicky though, whatever weight you are, I think you are always going to be you. And pretty:).